Ever since I discovered the health wonders in drinking beef bone broth, I have become a preaching fanatic for the stuff. My second-hand slow cooker from Ebay that cost me a whole ten bucks made the endeavour to master the much haloed bone broth all the more sweeter. I was determined to make that liquid gold elixir turn into a gelatinous jell-O and wobble like it was Santa’s gluttonous belly on Christmas Eve. Would you believe it, on my first attempt I succeeded! And I’ve been making jelly-like, drool worthy, bone broth ever since!
So if you haven’t heard about it already, prepared to be amazed.
Here’s why I love beef bone broth:
1. I can get quality grass-fed beef soup bones for dirt cheap from the local butcher or the markets. It is SO cost effective!
2. It tastes freaking delicious (especially the recipe I’m sharing below!). That in itself is almost reason enough.
3. Beef Bone Broth (or any bone broth for that matter), is bursting with essential trace minerals, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, collagen and gelatin which is extracted from the bone marrow. These guys are awesome for strengthening your bones, reducing inflammation and for healthier skin and hair.
4. It’s said that beef bone broth has gut healing properties by nourishing the gut-lining. You can credit this to the copious amounts of gelatin that makes the bone broth turn into gelatinous jelly-like pudding (don’t worry, it ‘melts’ back to its liquid form when heated).
5. Not only all this (and there are more!), but because of the abundance of nutrients and amino acids in beef bone broth, specifically glycine, it reduces my need for meat proteins. Your consumption of muscle meat should be balanced with bone broth and organ meats to make sure your getting a balance of amino acids in your diet. Another BIG tick in my technical cost-benefit analysis.
So let’s get down to business already. I bet you are falling off the edge of your chair in anticipation to go make this!
- 1-2kg of grass-fed beef soup bones
- 1 Yellow Onion
- 1 head of Garlic
- 3 heaped tbsp of Rosemary (I use fresh)
- 4 Bay Leaves
- 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- 3-4 litres of filtered water
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Chop the onion, garlic and rosemary and place in the slow cooker.
- Add the bay leaves, salt and pepper (can add more afterwards so only lightly season)
- Follow this by the bones and fill the slow cooker to submerge the bones.
- Add the ACV.
- Allow the bone broth to simmer on low heat for 24 hours. This time is necessary in order to completely leech the bones of the gelatin and nutrients and it’ll leave you with soft bones that may even crumble.
- Allow to cool before refridgerating or freezing. Once it has chilled in the fridge, you’ll be able to skim the fat from the top (as it will have formed into a gel). Save this for later use in cooking and frying). I sometimes even leave the fat and just mix it through when reheating the broth.
Simply ask your butcher for ‘soup’ bones and they’ll either have a pre-packaged selection of bones, or you’ll be able to buy a mixture of your own marrow, neck, joint and leg bones.
The ACV is an essential part of the process as its acidic qualities helps to leech the minerals from the bones.
You can store in the fridge for up to 5 days. It will gel over this time.
I freeze it in a muffin tray so I have easy on-hand servings that can be stored in a container and used as needed.
Either drink the bone broth on its own, or add it to soups and stews.
This post was shared on “Frugal Days, Sustainable Ways“

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