Have you ever dreamed of retreating to a tropical island for a month to detox on healthy organic food, relax by the beach sipping fresh coconuts, splurge on massages, practice daily yoga as the sun rises and sets and have someone else attend to your every need?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
I have heard this as many times as Paris Hilton says the word ‘like’. Heck, I was the one with the tropical postcard hanging up in my cubicle. Too often I would lose my thoughts to the imaginary sounds of ukuleles and the soft rolling waves of the ocean. It’s every woman’s dream and let’s admit it blokes, you wouldn’t mind this kind of retreat and pampering if you had to. I mean, if your partner was going, she needs someone to carry her luggage, right? *wink wink*
Why is it, that in the comfort of our own homes and daily lives, we struggle to find the time and space to relax? We think that we can’t start that new journey to health and wellness until we’ve been on a ten day juice fast. That we’ll never be able to unwind until we space ourselves from everyone and everything. We can’t possibly relax until we’ve checked off our ever-growing list of things to do. That it will take an army to shift our current situation in a significant way to make us just chill out. And where does this mentality come from where you need to on an isolated tropical island for a month to make any of this happen?
The reality is, besides the fact that you’ll probably never do any of the aforementioned, most people can’t afford either the time commitment away from family or work, and the money, to jet-set off to some tropical health retreat. These attitudes stop you from actually doing anything. If your mind continuously drifts to the future, dreaming away the days, you’re taking yourself out of the present. A responsibility lies in this present moment for you to love and care for your health and wellbeing. You don’t want to find yourself in a position, years passed, still, sick, tired and cranky. There are other options.
I propose something different. Not only will it cost next to nothing, it can be done from the comfort of your own home and you probably have most of the ingredients and things you need in order to make this happen. I call it a ‘Natural Spa Day at Home.’ Just once a month. That’s all it takes. Heck, if you can afford the luxury of once a week or once every two weeks, then all the more to you! It’s about recreating these moments of pure bliss, peace and relaxation at home, minus the mosquitoes, tropical thunderstorms, and drunk backpackers.
Living in the city is stressful. You are constantly bombarded with pollution, environmental toxins, negativity, self-destructive comparisons against other people’s success and wealth, and feelings of inadequacy. The hustle and bustle is tiring. It wears you down. We aren’t machines that can go, go, go. Nor should we treat ourselves like indestructible robots. Is it no wonder you have these dreams of just getting away from it all?
It’s taken me a long time to let go of this notion about always being ‘busy.’ Newsflash! You don’t always have to be doing something. Being busy doesn’t equate to being productive. Sometimes we are busy just to distract ourselves from what would otherwise be a depressing, mundane and bleak situation. Time away from the daily grind helps to revitalize your energy stores and spirit so you can tackle the next big project or continue to go out and do what you do. It’s not lazy. NOT taking time out to care for yourself is being lazy.
But isn’t taking time out for yourself selfish?
It’s about purposefully making time for you. This is NOT selfish. The opposite actually. When you care for yourself, you are acting in the best interests of those around you. No one wants to be around a grouchy, tired and unwell human being. A full day to switch off, relax and pamper yourself may be all you need to reboot. No tropical island necessary.
It’s about making the time. Physically schedule it into your diary. Get everyone else out of the house if you need to. I’m going to help you by putting together a free Natural Spa Day Series so you create your own health retreat at home. Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting recipes and pampering ideas to lift your health, your mood, your skin, hair, body and mind. Sign up here to follow along or join me on Pinterest as I create a board to pin more ideas.
I LOVE my spa day at home. It’s something I look forward to and the feeling after is priceless. Like I’m a weightless cloud of marshmallows riding a unicorn across a rainbow while little cherubs strum harps in the background. That kind of feeling.

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